Concept Testing Service

Evaluate Concepts MVP Prototype Wireframe

We help you to perform independent concept testing or concept validation on your minimum viable product (MVP), prototype or even wireframe.

Epitomist - Concept Testing


Concept testing or concept validation is the process of evaluating and validating concepts, features or functionalities on MVP, prototype or wireframes with your target users or personas by utilizing suitable research methods.

How our concept testing service can help

Our concept testing helps you to evaluate the marketability and feasibility of a website, app, product or service before more funds are being invested in it. It also helps to avoid the groupthink tendency within teams which can be costly.

When to use concept testing

In most cases, businesses could only estimate the marketability of a concept prior to product launch based on past experiences. With concept testing, businesses are able to gather independent feedback from the users at a much earlier stage.

Process of Concept Testing Service


Objective & Methodology

We gather requirements from you to understand your objective, decide the suitable methodology and research methods, screen and recruit participants representing your target users or personas. 



Our UX researchers will make sure that the research activities are carried out successfully for both in-person research or online research.


Analysis & Reporting

We compile and analyze all the raw data, recordings and findings to prepare a report for you.

Start a project

Fill in the contact form below with your project background, country/city, research objective, requirements, participant profile, budget, etc.

Related services

Co-creation workshop is often conducted after concept testing to further elaborate and develop features for the product.